Please read the policy
Thank you for joining the Chart Your Path for Entrepreneurs WhatsApp group.
1. The group provides business inspiration, insights, opportunities, events and resources to develop entrepreneurs in South Africa. All communication on the group is in English.
2. The group is by invitation, either by the administrator or where an existing member has invited another member, and it is approved by the administrator. Right of admission is reserved
3. The group is not open to
3.1 A person under the age of 18
3.2 A person without a South African cellphone number.
3.3 A person with a business WhatsApp account
3.4 Business providers in the business of developing entrepreneurs themselves. They are welcome to separately engage with us on collaboration opportunities.
4. You are permitted to introduce yourself, your business and market your products/services. In doing so, it should be done professionally and without being overwhelming or annoying to other members on the group. A maximum of 2 images can be posted.
5. You are permitted to request products/services to start, build and grow your business. If you are a provider, you are permitted to respond with an offer. Where a member then requires details, please take the conversation privately, off the group, to potentially conclude a transaction
6. At the discretion of the administrator, a member may be removed from the group in the following situations
6.1 Unprofessional, disrespectful conduct
6.2 Racism
6.3 Sexual harassment
6.4 Discrimination on any grounds
6.5 Hate speech
6.6 Non-business conversations (e.g. politics, sports, social)
6.7 Joining the group and not meeting the requirements
6.8 A member has an experience with another member, and has been defrauded, lost money or had a poor experience
6.9 Any content that is vulgar, rude, obscene, or against good social norms
6.10 Promotion of any Ponzi type scheme
6.11 Promotion of any illegal activities
6.12 Negative information about the member and their business practices comes to the attention of the administrator
6.13 Slandering, defaming or unduly attacking another member or their business
6.14 Posting more than 2 images simultaneously
6.15 A member uses the group primarily to market their products/services and does not make a contribution to the group, through business inspiration, insights, opportunities, events or resources or discussion thereof. In the other words, the member has joined just to market their products/services as much as they can.
6.16 A member copies/pastes information from the group, passing it off as their own without acknowledgment
6.17 A member joins the group under the pretext of running one type of business, when they are actually doing something else and misrepresenting themselves on the group
6.18 A member reports another member for (6.1 to 6.17)
7. You make use of the information on the group at your own risk. When business opportunities or advice is provided on the group, you are responsible for conducting your own research. No liability is accepted for any loss, damages or harm that may arise from you acting upon a business opportunity or advice provided in the group.
8. Excluding our clients, you can only be a member of one of our Chart Your Path groups, based upon your physical location.