GROW AND FUND YOUR BUSINESS Existing business ready to grow & access funding Rosebank 3 October 8h30-12h00 "*" indicates required fields 112233 Name First Last Email* Cell-phone*City*Dietary Preference*VegetarianHalaalKosher How did you find out about this opportunity?*LinkedinE-mailGoogleWhatsapp GroupFacebook GroupReferralOtherHow many years is the business trading?*<1<2<3<4<5>5Annual Turnover*R 0< R 1 million< R 3 million< R 5 million< R 10 million> R 10 millionFor existing businessTotal Funding required*I do not require funding< R 1 million< R 3 million< R 5 million< R 10 million> R 10 millionFor existing business Brief description of business*What are the top 3 challenges you wish to address in the next 12 months?*Terms and Conditions* Yes, I agree Chart Your Path and Business Partners takes your privacy and the protection of your personal information seriously. By submitting this form, you give Chart Your Path and Business Partners permission to communicate with you in future regarding business growth and funding.