cyp ASSESSment 12345678910 1. Have you established if the idea is suitable for you to pursue?* Yes No Briefly explain (1)* 2. Have you researched the idea?* Yes No Briefly explain (2)* 3. Do you have people supporting you to turn the idea into a business?* Yes No Family, Partners, Advisors, Mentors and similarBriefly explain your rating in (3)* 4. Have you created the brand?* Yes No Briefly explain (4)* 5. Based upon the idea, have you identified the product/service?* Yes No Briefly explain (5)* 6. Do you have a minimum viable product to sell?* Yes No Briefly explain your rating in (6)* 7. Have you established how to profit from the idea?* Yes No Briefly explain your rating in (7)* 8. Do you have funding available to launch the business?* Yes No Briefly explain your rating in (8)* 9. Can you register the intellectual property arising from the idea?* Yes Don't know No Briefly explain your rating in (9)* 10. How satisfied are you with the business compliance?* Yes Don't know No Compliance with applicable laws & regulations for the business Briefly explain your rating in (10)* Current Status*StudentUnemployedEmployedEntrepreneur (running another business)Name First Last Email*